3D Dragonfly Tile


1) Roll the clay out evenly using rolling guides,

and allow to dry to a leather hard state

(can still be bent but does not leave finger

dents when touched).

2) Cut out a paper square measuring 6 inch

x 6 inch. Using the paper square as a template,

cut out a square of clay.

3) Take a piece of the excess clay and roll

it to around half its thickness.

4) Draw your chosen design onto the paper


5) Use a texture mat on a small area of

the flattened excess clay (we used this to

give a patterned detail to the wings).

6) Using a ruler, divide the clay square into

4 equal squares but do not cut all the way

through the clay.

7) Cut out any parts of your drawing that

you would like textured, and use them as

a template to cut out the textured clay.

8) Place the remaining picture over the

un-textured remaining clay, and use a sharp

pencil to trace over the picture, leaving the

image imprinted into the clay beneath.

9) Repeat step 9 onto the centre of the clay


10) Cut out each of the individual parts

from the first piece of clay and match them

to the same areas on the clay square,

attaching them by scoring each piece and

brushing with water.

11) When all pieces have been placed,

brush around with water to smooth out

the edges.

12) When all pieces have been placed,

brush around with water to smooth out

the edges.

13) Add and extra details using a fettling

knife or sharp pencil.

14) Using a ruler, mark the top of the design

to line up with the squares beneath. Then

use a sharp knife to cut all the way through,

dividing the square into four separate tiles.

15) Do not move the tiles until they are

completely dry.

16) Once dry, bisque fire at 1100ยฐC.

17) Glaze using 2-3 coats of Vitraglaze

earthenware glaze and fire again to 1040ยฐC.

We Used

VitraClay Terracotta Clay

VitraGlaze Earthenware: Pitch Black

VitraGlaze Earthenware: Racing Green

VitraGlaze Earthenware: Cool Grey

VitraGlaze Earthenware: Turquoise Trans