Kilns and Firing

What temperature should I fire my kiln?

For information on firing your work, see our Firing Up page.

How fast should I fire my kiln?

For information on firing your work, see our Firing Up page.

Can I open my Kiln when it is still hot after the firing schedule is complete?

It is best to let the kiln cool as much as possible if you can. If the door is opened when the kiln interior is still over 200°C then the pottery may crack or be weakened due to thermal shock.

Some of the bricks in my kiln have cracked, should I worry?

With some kiln constructions cracking may sometimes occur because of stresses caused by the heating and cooling of the kiln. Opening the kiln too early will increase the risk of bricks cracking. However, as long as they are not structural even sev...

My kiln smells when I begin a firing, is this OK?

Organic matter present in clay and the binders in glaze begin burning out at quite low temperatures and can produce strong smelling fumes. This will die away as the kiln reaches 600°C. With most firings the level of toxicity in fumes is very low, ...

My firing hasnΒ’t turned out the way IΒ’d like can you help me?

We want you to get the best from our products. There is lots of information in our Knowledge Base. If you can’t find what you need, please call us on 01934 863040, we are always very happy to help.

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